In the previous post, we had to leave the discussion in mid as there were lot more to discuss, so once again we are continuing the same. In last discussion we left the on the common mistakesm usually made by web designers. So let's continue from there.
- "Drop down" Menus should be avoided: Use of drop down menus muddle up things and also tend to hide vital information. It should be strictly avoided so as to make the navigation easier.
- Text navigation must be used: it is more reliable than any other navigation .also it is a faster means of navigation as compare to image navigation and others.
- Many versions of the site prove confusing, avoid it: Do not provide the users with different versions (HTML, Flash, etc.) of your site as it will lead to a huge amount of confusion. Only offer your content to the visitors.
- Advertising should not be blended inside the content: Using advertisements within the content might prove unsuccessful as firstly, it leads to more clicks and secondly, a reader might get infuriated and leave the site.
- Simple Navigation Structure should be used: Lesser the options on the site more easily will be the navigation. Navigation structure should be simple and clear so as to provide ease to the visitor, searching his information.
- "Intros" to be avoided: Intros simply add to the bulk of the content. A visitor should be simply presented with the real content. This will make him stay on your site for a longer time, reading things useful to him.
- Harsh colors are a big no: Use of harsh background colors in your website may cause strain to the visitors. It's wise to choose subtle colors for your site, which will help the user to focus on your content.
- Pop ups should not be used: Pop ups are very irritating and also they increase the number of Pop blockers.
- Ensure that you include anchor text on your links: Only relevant anchor texts should be used. Using random anchor texts just to increase the chances of getting higher SEO ranking may prove disappointing.
- Links on the side should not be concealed: Links should be clearly visible and the user must be able to see as to where the link is pointed. Covering of links might lead to loss of your integrity.
- Underlining or coloring of the normal text should be avoided: Highlighting the normal text by using colors or underlines might give the users a wrong impression that they are clickable links. This should not be used until its very essential.
- Clicked links color should change: The links that have been clicked should change color as the readers will not end up visiting it all over again.
- Animated GIFs should be avoided: The use of animated GIFs should be avoided as it makes a site appear unprofessional. Also its use attracts the attention of the users and the content is neglected.
- Long and more number of pages must be avoided: More number of pages needs extensive scrolling, which in turn will lead to irritation on the part of the users. So a website or a web page should be designed using minimum number of pages.
- Spelling or Grammatical mistakes should be avoided: Grammatical errors in the content deflate the overall quality of the website. Ensure at least there are no grammatical or spelling errors in main texts and links.
All the mistakes that we have highlighted and discussed in this Web Designing tutorial will be of great use to you. Web Design is a vast and popular field and the websites that are created under this have to be of optimum quality. For the sites to be properly promoted these mistakes must be rectified. There will be many more mistakes that will pop up as web designing will raise its bar but the mistakes that are provided to you are basic ones that will help you present a quality website that will acquire high Search Engine rankings.