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5 Tips To Make Your Mobile Website User-Friendly

Tips & Tutorial | Anurag Gupta | Updated: 2017-06-09

5 Tips To Make Your Mobile Website User-Friendly

With 1.2 billion or 80% of internet users using mobile phones for internet access, 61% users trusting brands that offer good mobile experience and the latest Googles Mobilegeddon update for mobile-first indexing, it has become indispensable for businesses to have a responsive site today. A mobile website that offers an intuitive user interface and is easily readable, task-oriented, de-cluttered from the mess and scrollable with storytelling feature is the first choice of Google as well as the millennials. However, to make the visitors stay on your mobile website, it is important that your site is not just mobile-friendly but user-friendly as well. The mobile website should be built in such a way that it caters to all the needs of the visitors and offers seamless navigation through all the pages. Read on to find out the 5 tips that would help you make your mobile website more user-friendly

Make It Finger Friendly :-

The design of the mobile website should be such that the fingers of the user can reach out to all the important buttons. The CTAs should be placed within the thumb reach so that even a user surfing your site with a single hand can reach out the buttons with his/her thumb. As per a Study of Human Fingertips to Investigate the Mechanics of Tactile Sense every button is a touch target and should be 45-57 pixels wide so that the finger of the user can comfortable click it. The average size for CTAs within the reach of the thumb should be approximately 72 pixels so that when it is quick & easy to click while also showing slight edges so the user knows where he/she has clicked.

Focus On The Fonts And The Colors :-

Size matters in a mobile website and the size of the font is one thing that most of the mobile users have been complaining about. The biggest complaint is about the smaller text size that demands continuous zooming on the mobile device. The text should be large to be clearly visible to the user. It is recommended to use taller fonts that add extra space between letters for easy readability; depending on your brand style, you can choose from the tallest font styles like Times New Roman, Helvetica, Arial, Georgia, Courier, and Trebuchet MS. Additionally, as the material design is the latest hit for mobile websites, it would be recommended that you ditch the monochromatic color palette and use a more vibrant and diverse color scheme that go with the brand image.

Guide The New Comers :-

Tutorials for the first timers are a common sight in mobile apps now, but the same tutorials should also be offered on mobile websites to keep them informed. In order to help the new users easily find what they came for on your mobile website, make sure that you take them through a first-time user guide. A user switching from your desktop site to the mobile version should not feel baffled and confused because of the changed design; guide them through the menu bars, search tabs, image zooming, etc. Keep it short and brief and don't forget to add a skip this tutorial for those who do not want to go through the tutorial guide.

Follow The 3 Click Navigation Rule :

A user coming to your website should be able to reach any page on your website in less than three clicks. If all the pages of your mobile website can be accessed in three clicks, it means that your user can easily navigate through your website. The mobile users skip to other sites if they find trouble accessing a certain page; however, a mobile website following the three click rule leaves no room for such problems. Reduce the number of categories and navigation levels, have the main menu button that shows all the categories as well as subcategories and keep a consistent footer/header bar for every page to make your website navigable in three clicks.

Have An Eye-Catchy Search Box:-

As the size of the screen decreases when a user shifts from desktop to mobile, incorporating the same number of bars and items on a single page becomes difficult. In order to avoid the clutter, mobile web designers tend to group things up in various categories and hierarchical structures which can make it difficult to find. An eye-catchy search box on the top of your mobile website would ensure that the user easily finds whatever he/she is looking for by entering their query. The search box helps in cutting out the tedious work of navigation and offering a more user-friendly experience.

Building a mobile website with these tips in mind would keep your user engaged for a longer time and keep them coming back to your site for more. So what are you waiting for? Fine tune your website with the tips discussed above to offer a wonderful browsing experience to all your mobile users.

1 thoughts on "5 Tips To Make Your Mobile Website User-Friendly"

    29 June, 2017 at 2:51 am

    Thanks for this. I will be relaunching my sites soon. Your article is really helpful.


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